TLDR – Pictures from around the Brian and Lisa’s, and Miller’s and Peterson grandparents house + pumpkin carving.
I’m starting this post a week after the last one from the 11th floor of a building on Union Street in downtown Seattle. I’m wearing pants and a collared shirt. – I’m interviewing at Oracle today in the hopes of moving to an engineering role on their cloud team. It’s been a good 8 years since I was last on the interviewee side of the desk; should be fun – it was and the offered me a position.

I’ve not been the best at pictures or at writing about our adventures on this trip. This trip is not about seeing new things and adventures it’s about connecting with friends and family and helping the kids relationships with their family. I actually made an effort on the trip to put my phone down most of the time and be present in the moment and bond with people and hear their gossip. It’s been different, not better or worse, but different.
Enough Excuses, what have we been up too
What have been up to since our last trip update? Mostly visiting with people. We had a pizza dinner at Brian and Lisa’s to hang out, we had lunch and dinner with Michelle’s parents a few times, we had a big lasagna dinner with my parents and family and the Forsythe’s, Michelle picked up an updated drivers license, we went shopping at Costco and the goodwill a number of times; filling up a few REI duffel bags, and the kids highlight of the trip we spent a night at great wolf lodge – which is going to be another post because this one got too long.
Been a busy week. Tomorrow we are headed to the lake to visit and Theresa and uncle Eddie, then trick or treating, followed by dinner with the family and maybe having Dan Music over. Thursday mom leaves for Alaska and we are headed to Seattle. We going to take the kids to the zoo with Carie and have dinner with Jermery and holly. Friday we’re doing some hiking and staying the night with the Mainers. Saturday we’re going to meet with Maria then spend the day with the Clem’s before flying back home to Ireland.
Loads of pictures with captions
Brian and Lisa’s

Around the Miller house

Handing out at Grandma and Grandpa Petersons

Pumpkins and Petersons