Powerscourt – Summer Camp?

TLDR – Went for a hike around PowersCourt water fall and found a filming set.

Pre Tripping

We’re finally have enough free to time to hit some adventures on the summer days off work – Tighter then normal budget means no big trips this summer only small trips. This week our small trip is a drive to Powers court water fall for a hike around the area. Kids are on summer sleep schedules – stay up until about midnight, wake up around 8 or 9. Michelle and I were up around 0600 waiting for the kids to be ready to go. My obsessive mind keeps thinking ” we need to leave the crowds!” . Oh well, we managed to leave around 10:30

The Water fall

The Sign at the pay station when you enter the park said something about filming today; oh fun wonder if get to see some movie magic. We parked next to a summer camp park entrance arch for a fake camp. True movie magic the stone base to the wood arch are made out of fiberglass / plastic. They sure look like old natural stone work. We Quickly start googling trying to work out what is being filmed without finding much of a clue. We did find out Cocaine bear was filmed here; WTF? Where the American flag is in the below image they built the cabin for the bear attack scene. Bunch of other wood scenes were filmed around the property. Might need to watch the movie again to see what we notice now that we know.

Park entrance for filming with names removed by generative delete. The stones at the base are plastic; Movie Magic.

Quick walk from the parking lot to the waterfall. I’ve brought the kids here on bike rides a few times, Michelle has never been to the waterfall. We were unsure if Michelle had ever been here before. She confirmed it when we caught the first sight of the water fall; never been before. Chief came with us too, his first time at the water fall. He was excited to explore the rocks. He found a spine with some flesh on it and a leg bone digging under the rocks. He was impressive able to jump up and down the rocks with ease, like the kids – PARKOUR!

The plan was to hike on the other side of the river and explore the trails. Sadly that’s where the filming was. Filming guarded with fences and security guards. Guards who would not, could not share what the set was for. It’s a big set with a trailer farm – must be a high budget show. We have a guess what it is, we’ll see if we’re right when it officially leaks.

From the water fall we walked along a path lined with power cables and lighting cranes until we found the crew trailer park complete with grip vans and more light cranes. The playground at the food shop had a massive light crane raising and lowering while the kids played for a bit before we gave up working out who was filming at drove to subway for lunch before driving home.

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