Chapters and Liverpool FC shopping Saturday

TLDR – It did not rain for a day in Dublin – Quick let’s do something. We took the LUAS into town and shopped for books at Chapters, then crossed the street ate donuts and shopped for some Liverpool Stuff.

Chapters and Liverpool FC Saturday

Saturday, June the 8, we took advantage of a day without rain and went for a LUAS ride into city center to have a walk about the city. Final destination, Irelands largest independent book store, Chapters on Parnell street. Chapters has a large, no massive, used book section upstairs with prices near what we used to pay at the goodwill outlet in the states. I read the kids a few books while Michelle shopped, then the kids picked out a few books to purchase. We picked up a bag of books for about 20€ then crossed the street looking for the Iliac shopping center where Michelle’s says there’s a Liverpool FC shop. Michelle did not get what she wanted in Liverpool.  The Dublin Liverpool shop is her second chance for a new hoodie. She picked out a grey and pink hoody with sparkles in the fabric from the team shop while the kids and I sat out front splitting some Offbeat donuts.

Crossing the river to the other side of Dublin
Eating offbeat donuts while mom is shopping her team store

On the walk home towards the LUAS we stopped at the Eason flagship store on O’Connell street where I picked up a released today book, What if, by of an Irish YouTuber I follow, Miss Melanie Murphy. I enjoy reading print books in the sauna and I’m almost done with the current sauna book. Maddex was reading his book while walking, at the LUAS stop and on the LUAS on the way home. So excited to finally see him getting into books. Books are such a huge part of life for Michelle and I. Books being a part of the kid’s lives is one of our bigger parenting goals.

Maddex sitting at a LUAS stop reading his new book

Somehow neither Michelle or I have snapped any shots of the kids in the book store. We did capture some video Maddex edited together. We uploaded it to youtube, embedded below.

The rest of the pictures

Mila trying to pull one of her teeth out – She lost both top middle teeth in the next 24 hours
Maddex and I hanging out at Stephens green shopping center waiting for the girls to use the Toilet
The hey Penny bridge over the river
Some interesting street art
Some Girls eating donuts
Waiting for the LUAS at Trinity to head home

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