TLDR – Thursday walking adventure day this week took us 7Km away by road to Black Rock beach for some sand and surf
Walking Downhill
From the house we’re allowed to travel in a 5km circle; thanks COVID. I wanted to go to Merrion Strand for the day and play in the sand. Michelle checked and Merrion is outside of the 5km circle. Sigh, I guess we better follow the rules. Michelle did some checking and less than 5km away from us with sand is Blackrock beach. By road on foot it was about 7km walking downhill to the beach. We left the house around 10:30.

About 5km into the walk at the corner of Temple Hill and Newton Ave in Seaport we stopped at a grassy field for a break. Apples, Oranges, Pringles, Rolling down a hill, and climbing on a red metal thing. Khaleesi was having a bit of an attitude for some reason and refused food. Threw the Pringles can on the ground after Roxi took it over to the tree she was hiding under. – No real clue what happened to her; eventually she recovered and was able to have fun and eat some food.
Beach time
We arrived at the beach a few hours after high tide, sadly most of the beach was still underwater. Lucky for the kids there was a concrete enclosed pool area with some sand in it we played in. The tide quickly went out, leaving behind more sand and warm tide pools to play in. Kids had a great time for a few hours. Maddex Managed to break a metal shovel in half – not much he is incapable of breaking.

Walking Home
On the walk home we took the most direct route according to the map with a short stop at Dealz. On the walk down the hill we swapped sides of the street a few looking for shade to hide from the sun. On the walk up the hill the girls were shivering looking for the sun. They were wet, the sun was gone, and there was some wind. We should totally pack better next time. Dealz had Cheese puffs. Have not had cheese puffs since the states; we had to buy some. They hardly lasted a few minutes.
Nearing the Luas in Stillorgan I checked the train time when we were about 3 minutes from the stop. Next train one minute. Picked up Roxi and we ran to the stop. We made it and waited a minute for the train to cross the road. Not sure if the lights were busted or what, but the train sat there for a while. We did not need to run at all; oh well we made it. Another impressive day for the kids – 14km walking, no complaining, no fighting. We had a grand day