TLDR – Adventures with Kids, Bike to Work, Bike to Marlay Park, Hiking up a mountain – Fours week post-heart attack feeling great.
Back on the bike
Last weekend Maddex, Mila, and I rode to Carrickmines (6k round trip) to get a gift at a Toy store. We did not shop as the line was around the corner of the Building. I rode back down later by myself and bought a bike trailer; 12km for me, 6km for Maddex, and Mila. The trailer we need for a Monday bike ride into work to clean out my desk.

Bike to work
Before the heart attack, I started the approval process to enter the building at work. To enter the building – HR, security, direct manager, and VP approval are currently required. Last week all of the approvals aligned clearing me to enter the building. We’re headed to level 5 lockdown this week and they might take away the approval. Figure it’s now or never to clean out the desk.
On the Monday Maddex and I rode into work to clean out my desk. The work commute is 32k round trip; felt great after the ride. I need to go on long rides like this more often love the workout rush. Our was plan was to take our time and film the ride for video practice, but some big storm was due in with imminent intence rain. We left early and rode as fast as we could to skip th erain. As we parked at work, the speaker near the door started talking to us as. The guard said we were on the list and allowed us to enter the empty building.

We loaded my widescreen monitor, desktop PC, telescope, and everything else in my desk into bags. Carried them to the trailer and loaded it full of kit. Encumbered with an extra 25kg of stuff we rode home avoiding the rain. The only drama was the Dart crossing. Maddex crossed before me and the barrier went down before I could catch up to him. He sat on the other side waiting for me while a train crossing in each direction. Our helmet radios stayed in contact allowing us to chat while we waited

The Beacon Wednesday – Dealz in Dundrum Friday
Wednesday night we rode to Aldi and Dunnes at the Deacon. Mila on her bike, Maddex on his and Roxi and Khaleesi in the trailer behind me. Michelle Met us at the shop taking the LUAS. We were shopping for Halloween costumes and other random bits. Dunnes and Aldi were a bust. We had to stop at the costume shop to find what we needed.

Friday Mila and Khaleesi stayed home from school with a cough. Covid times you cannot send kids to school with a cough. There are not really sick, so we might was well do somthing. I took them in the trailer for a bike ride to Dundrum. Mila could have rode on her bike but the trailer was far more appealing to her. It’s about 100meters of elevation gain on the ride back home. Beat me up good hauling two kids and Lidl goodies up the hill. Felt amazing after the ride; Miss being on the bike every day ridding to work.
The girls sang and waved at people on the ride to and from the store. They counted on the way back 12 people waved back at them.

Tuesday Ticknock
Sunday and Monday Maddex was out with Cian and family hiking on ticknock building a fort. The kids are off school this week, I took Tuesday – Sunday off work to hang out with them. While I am off Michelle is planning to work all day every day leaving the kids to me – seems fair and fun to me. Tuesday the kids and I left the house around 1000 for Cians house to meet them and walk up to check out the fort. Been hearing about this fort for days we must see it. Tim (Cians dad) was headed to the shop. His two kids came with us and he was goin to meet up with us later. Six kids vs one me, no problem. First stop was the small fort in Fern hill park where we eventually met Tim. Next stop was the big fort near the repeater on top of the hill. Muddy hike up the hill shoes and pants are covered.
The kids had built a fort at the base of a fallen tree. We worked on the fort for a few hours carrying more trees, branches and moss over to make the roof larger. Tim brought out a fire powered water boiler stove and made soup followed by Hot chocolate while I dug down the floor of the fort. Was like digging in packed gravel. I dropped the floor about 6″ and created a large level area. Cian and Tim slept in the fort that night, the goal was to make a level comfy spot for them. Everyone enjoyed the soup and hot chocolate.

Wednesday Marlay Park
Wednesday was Mila’s first big bike rid. We mapped out a 7km route with protected bike lanes from the house to Marlay park mostly using the protected bike road next to the m50. We had a blast, Mila was proud of her self starting and stopping better and keeping a good 20-25kph pace most of the way. We spent a few hours at the playground playing. With a break in the middle. For a break we climbed a small hill to a stone face carving in the ground. We climbed on face while drinking hot chocolate.

Tim had a great idea with a warm drink on a cold day. Before leaving the house I loaded 2 small thermoses with Hot water, packed 4 cups, and some cocoa mix. Kids sure loved the warm treat. Guess this will be part of our new winter travel kit. On the way home, we stopped at a SuperValu for lunch and treats. The plan was to ride home via another park near Dundrum but the kids voted for the same route we came, the more direct route. – So proud of the kids. Maddex went slow enough and made sure we all kept together and Mila powered through the ride with no fear at all. Roxi and Khaleesi both fell asleep in the trailer on the ride home. With the trailer loaded up with two girls I was the slow one of the ride. Maddex and Mila both had to wait for me a few times.

Four weeks – Post Heart Attack
Coming up on four weeks post-heart attack. I am down 17 pounds. My BP is finally in the green, my average heart rate is down a bit from normal. I’ve added in more weights, deep breathing, more exercise and are feeling good. Maybe this was the wake-up call I needed to finally make those positive changes in life I’ve had on the list for years.
Bonus pictures