TLDR – Maddex turns 8 on Monday, and Tuesday we leave for Spain. Saturday and Sunday of the weekend we went out and about for some birthday inspired fun. Liesureplex Saturday and Movies with dad Sunday.
Leisure plex – Saturday
Sunday morning Maddex and I rode our bikes up to Cullens house a bit before 9 to retrieve Cullen for a day of adventure. When we got back home I logged into my Xbox account and purchased the game Maddex had been after Rocket League. About five seconds after I clicked the buy button Maddex yells from the living room “DAD!! did you just buy Rocket League?” – I guess push delivery is a thing because the game started installing as soon as I bought it.

We left the house about an hour later for the LUAS for the Stillorgan stop. From the Stillorgan stop, it’s about 2km walk to our destination, the Leisureplex bowling, and arcade. The night before Maddex went through all of our change and separated the 20 cent coins from the rest and put them in a bucket for Michelle. Leisureplex has some coin dozers, and we know Michelle loves to play coindozers. When the coins were all done she’s won a poop, bracelet, and some keychains; we won’t talk about how much that cost in coins.

Bowling was packed. We added our name to the list for about 2 hours in the future. The boys played Air hockey and other random games for a while killing some time. After the Boys were out of coins we walked around the corner to the Library to return some books. While we were at the library it started lashing outside. Instead of going outside we hunkered down and read some books for 10 minutes waiting out the rain. Once the rain stopped we walked across the street to Mcdonalds for lunch

We followed up the amazing quality lunch at Mcdonalds with toy shopping at Dealz where we bought everyone a toy that cost a euro fifty. Kids don’t need expensive they are happy with cheap. By now it is time for bowling so we walked back to Leisureplex. Maddex, Mila, Cullen and I bowled. The other girls went and helped mom play more coin dozer. Bowling was 28euro. I gave the gal a fifty and she gave me 42euro change. I did some math and thought about it, and gave in. Walked back up to the counter and gave her the extra 20 back.

Mila was on fire bowling and came in first over all followed by me, Maddex, then Cullen. Cullen was winning untill about frame 7 when we all started to get spares and strikes and over took him. After bowling, it was back home for play time. We managed to avoid the rain on the route back. Mila and I scootered to Dunes and picked up a ham for dinner. Michelle made Corn bread to do with the ham. Good dinner- Birthday weekend day one done.
Movie day with Maddex – Sunday
Sunday I was going to take all fo the kids to a park than shopping at Flying Tiger. When we were about to leave the girls decided it would be more entertaining to stay home in their pajamas and play dolls all day. Maddex wanted to go still so we turned the day into a Daddy Maddex date day with a movie in the middle. We took our scooters instead of bikes because the ride back from Flying Tiger is all uphill, and bikes are not alloud on the LUAS. We took the LUAS to beechwood then scootered about a bit with a stop at a park.

After the park, we locked our scooters up next to Swam shopping center and went inside. Flying Tiger did not open untill 11, our movie started at 11:20, and it was 10:45. We went shopping for candy and bought movie tickets. We were in our seats at about 11:10. The movie did not really start untill about 11:40. First, we watched 10 minutes of commercials, followed by 8 minutes of previews, then 2 more minutes of commercials; Mutter. We watched Ralph Wrecks the internet. – Maddex said he loved the movie more then the frist one. I found it to be entertaining and spent as much time looking for easter eggs as I did watching the movie.
After the movie, Maddex was feeling a bit tired. We did some shopping at the Tiger, then scootered back to the LUAS and home. Lazy night the rest of the day with a movie, Rocket League, and cereal for dinner.
The rest of the pictures

Sunday with Dad