Spanish Exchange Students

TLDR – We hosted two Spanish Students for a week from Valladolid

Before the girls arrived in Ireland, we’d set up a WhatsApp group to stay in touch with them. It was nice to get a bit of a glimpse of who they are before picking them up from school for the first time. The first-night Dinner is our standard travel Dinner, Romayos – mmm, greasy chipper; a great introduction to Ireland. Order battered burger and battered sausage along with the rest of the usual brown food.

The girls are staying in Roxi’s room, Roxi is staying with Khaleesi for the week. Thanks Roxi for giving up your room.

Our first family outing, we took the girls into the city center to find a record shop they found earlier with their class. Based on a few words description we’d worked out the shop they wanted was in the George Street Arcade. We LUASed into town, stopping at Stephens Green walking around city center, stopping at a few record shops to pick up music and band swag. Can’t forget stopping for snacks and ice cream – kids are meant to be spoiled.

Rest of the week was pretty mellow. The girls went out on adventures while at school a few times at night with the class or hungout with us at home. As always were worked maximum spoiling of any extra kids in the house. Breakfast for dinner, sweets and treats, driving where ever they want to. – I failed miserably getting too much written or taking loads of pictures. This post has sat in draft for months and months figured I better click post on it; something is better the nothing

We had a great experience being a host family will do it again if the opportunity presents itself.

The rest of the Pictures





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